Executive summary
Myndshft provides software that helps healthcare providers quickly determine whether prior authorization is required by a patient’s insurance company before providing a specific service, treatment, or medication. If required, the software gathers the information needed and submits the prior authorization automatically. This enables more efficient communication between providers and payers so patients can get the care they need, sooner.
Successful onboarding experiences are critical to retaining Myndshft’s customers, who operate in complex healthcare systems. They hold extensive one-on-one meetings with customers during their first two weeks of adoption to troubleshoot issues, understand their usage patterns, and ensure their success.
Even with this level of customer support, Myndshft wanted to resolve customer issues faster and access details of transactions without compromising patients’ sensitive information. Myndshft started looking for a different analytics solution to drive insights that would further improve their customer onboarding experiences by providing smoother, faster service.
Now, Myndshft uses LogRocket to fine-tune onboarding, as well as experiences throughout the product. Product, engineering, and support teams all use LogRocket to gain a complete picture of the onboarding experience, helping them provide near-real-time support to new customers and boost users’ chances of long-term success.
Ensuring early customer success, not frustration
A successful initial onboarding experience is vital to long-term customer retention for Myndshft. Therefore, support teams provide white-glove onboarding services.
According to Tyler Wince, Chief Product Officer, “Success means that customers trend down on the amount of time it takes to process a patient, and they consistently, successfully submit and process patients through the platform.”
Their previous product analytics solution only provided quantitative data and offered no visibility into their customers’ experience for support teams to assist them in real time. Due to existing data protection regulations related to personal health information (PHI), live screen sharing was not an option for troubleshooting issues.
This delayed issue resolution, decreased customer engagement, and increased churn. Tyler set out to find an alternative solution to resolve these issues.
Understanding the “why” behind analytics to solve customer issues
Even though Myndshft is easy to use, every patient in their customers’ process is different. This unavoidable complexity made it difficult to understand the nuances of each customer issue.
After one release added steps to download different transaction outputs, LogRocket showed the Myndshft team higher-than-expected times between events for a high-value step. Their legacy analytics tool couldn’t provide enough insight into specific customer issues to improve this step in their product.
Where previously they would only see the time between events, with LogRocket, Myndshft was able to identify two separate issues with that step: users either faced a technical problem slowing things down or some point of confusion in the UI.
“For the users that saw success, we were able to learn from them,” Tyler said. “For those who weren't seeing success with the new feature, we sent additional follow-ups to make sure they’re aware of the new feature and able to get the most out of it.”
“When I need to answer a question from leadership, I can get the answers I need in 5 or 10 minutes.”
With this insight into feature engagement and customer journeys, the product team has an improved understanding of the “why” behind customers’ interactions with new features and where to point support teams when troubleshooting.
Empowering the support team to solve issues independently
Before LogRocket, when a customer encountered a bug, they had to wait for scheduled check-in meetings to recreate issues for support.
Customers would often get frustrated if problems weren’t reproducible in that meeting. Even with reproduction, customers typically had to wait for yet another meeting — support had to confer with their engineering and product colleagues to understand the core issue and get a solution.
But now support can simply log in to LogRocket during a customer meeting and watch exactly what the user experienced. Then, they can provide suggestions for how to improve or remediate workflows.
“In many cases, they don’t have to send support tickets to the technical team for review because they’re able to explain to the customer what happened by just watching their session,” Tyler explained.
“Instead of saying, ‘I’m not sure what happened, let me send this to the tech team to try to reproduce your bug,’ they can say, ‘Yep, I see where this happened. This is why it works the way that it does, and here’s what you should do instead.’ ”
This has reduced MTTR and contributed significantly to Myndshft’s goal of providing high-quality onboarding and training during their customers’ early days. Better yet, their support team has been able to reach out proactively and resolve issues they noticed when reviewing session replays rather than wait for customers to report issues.
“We’re able to have really effective conversations with customers and retrain them when we need to provide information to them.”
In addition to improving the customer onboarding experience and contributing to long-term retention, LogRocket has empowered the support team to locate issues. Without a need for deep technical knowledge or extrapolating complex data, they’ve also been able to reduce their reliance on the engineering team for help.
Protecting PHI without losing detail
With LogRocket session replay, Myndshft’s engineering team could basically “see what users were seeing,” including technical issues, without revealing any PHI.
LogRocket’s data sanitization model means Myndshft can selectively restrict what data is ingested from the client side. Not only does data not reach LogRocket’s servers, but no sensitive information ever leaves the client’s browser.
In one instance, Myndshft engineers noticed a succession of 403 errors from one user. In the past, this issue would have taken days to fix. Now, all Myndshft has to do is find their user and watch their session to see what went wrong — without exposing PHI at all.
“Finding out how a customer ran a transaction and doing that effectively with a production environment that contains sensitive data is really challenging, especially when it involves something that happened in an environment that depends on a third-party API call,” Tyler said.
“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the video is even more.”
Looking at LogRocket, Myndshft was able to tell that the 403 errors were the result of a user rage-clicking the login button before their account was verified.
Seeing exactly what customers experienced allows Myndshft to push fixes faster, troubleshoot issues without exposing PHI, and boost their chances of customer success — fulfilling their goals of providing white-glove support and ensuring a high rate of retention.
Resolving issues and building confidence
Ultimately, LogRocket was the only solution that brought the highest number of Myndshft teams success.
Support is now able to proactively resolve issues before customers come to them with problems. Early customer success creates happier customers in the long term, which drives Myndshft customer retention.
LogRocket’s technical telemetry and detailed session replays provide support and engineering with the tools they need to diagnose issues and provide solutions on the spot, avoiding a lengthy process to bring customers a fix.
The product team was also able to refine their roadmap. LogRocket Issues helped them focus on the highest-impact problems, then session replay provided a qualitative understanding of user journeys and the highest-risk areas of their product.
“LogRocket really gets everybody involved in problem solving or communicating about different components of the product that wasn’t happening before.”
Myndshft sees LogRocket as essential to deepening their understanding of customer usage, growing customer confidence, and ensuring customer success. Myndshft’s internal support team operates more confidently, the product team proactively improves their software, and customer confidence and satisfaction with Myndshft continues to grow.
“With LogRocket, we now have a tool that the engineers find valuable, the customer success group finds valuable, and product finds valuable,” says Tyler. “It’s a tool that expanded the scope of its usefulness from just product to really everybody in the organization.”